Emmaus Icon Course June 2017

The Association had, once again, a very successful course in Emmaus, Co Dublin. Read some of the comments and thanks to all the participants for making the course so special. A special thanks to Clare McReynolds for the lovely photographs (see below).

Some comments on Eva’s course, June Emmaus 2017:

“Eva’s graciousness to each one of us and her untiring effort to get to everyone with help and advice.  She has such a high regard for the sacredness of her work and what the icon represents spiritually for prayer, reflection, contemplation, and the wonder of it all, that we cannot help but drink it in, and appreciate how honoured we are to have Eva as our tutor.  Sr Rose

As you know I had some reservations about taking Eva’s course as I thought that I might not be up to the standard required for the course. However, I found the course most helpful and also enjoyable and I think I learned a lot over the week Eva is such a skilful expert at iconography, she could see straight away where we were all at. She was so generous with her time and clearly wanted to help each and every one of us individually. Her demonstration of the face of Jesus was powerful and so also were her demos on doing the small faces on Kieran’s icon and the way she showed us the correct way to varnish an icon. I found Eva to be so kind, so willing to share her knowledge, so spiritual in herself and so respectful of peoples work.. I really felt privileged to be part of the course. Sinead

I was blown away by Eva’s demonstration of the two layer face!!!!!!!! Sooo want to try it! But you know everything about the course was brilliant. Each participant brought their own warmth and gentleness. Eva was, as ever, so giving of her time, energy and knowledge. I came with the goal of gaining Eva’s help and approval for my line drawing for the damaged areas of the Panselinos icon. Goal achieved! It was also a delight and privilege to see the beautiful work being done all around me. We are very fortunate to have such a sound association and the excellence Eva’s teaching. Thank you, and all the Association team, who give so much to make it the very special and blest organization that it is. Maddie

I enjoyed the course with Eva very much and came away on Wednesday afternoon feeling a sort of contentment. What appealed to me Colette, was not so much about the “Best” part or the “Highs” of the course it was about just being there and feeling allowed to just B.Eva was not nice to be liked; she is simply a nice person, with God at the centre of her being. Namaste, Paula

What strikes me about Eva is her reverence for her art. It is a reverence, which underlines the spirituality of each icon and gives the icon a life and presence that a painting does not necessarily have. It is this difference between a
painting and an icon that ultimately we learn from Eva. An icon can reach into our soul and I think that only the very greatest paintings can do that. I think also that Eva’s reverence for her art translates over into her reverence and respect for people. Peace, Denis

It was a joy to meet Eva. What struck me was how she communicated with the icon, frequently. She said something to me like don’t be afraid painting remember you are painting your love. Ann

One thing that stands out for me on all Eva’s courses is what I can only describe as “another world” where peace and quiet reign most of the time. Where there’s no swearing or idle talk. Where a community of like-minded people come together and share what ever they have, by giving their time, advice or their material’s freely no questions asked. Where you can get so far away reality you forget what is going on in the world. A place that most people dream of. Where every brush stroke in Eva’s eyes is a prayer, and your work has worth. It makes me wish every day was this. Now I am back to reality I can only remember that “other world”. Kieran


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